How shame shut me up 3 years ago
It took me 3 years and 1 day to share the following story apart from my closest friends and colleagues, so this is probably the most vulnerable post in a very long time. And that's also why this post took me a couple of sessions to finish. What happened for the first time I sat down at my computer to write this was, I felt chills all over my body, my blood flow withdrawing from my toes and hands to my core leaving me even more chilly. This is a typical so-called trauma/trigger response (mammals...

You are too much - the core wound of women* putting down and shaming other women*
Recently a colleague of mine shared with me about a conflict they are having with another colleague. Conflicts between the two of them have been bubbling for a while, my colleague is a networker, like I am - we both believe in lifting each other up, supporting other colleagues, referring to them, empowering ourselves and each other as colleagues. The other colleague of them is much more reproducing dynamics of “female rivalry”. They are part of the same network. My colleague was told they...

I am writing to you from my quarantine temple. While I have been at home almost all the time, trying to not get overwhelmed by what's going on and sucked down in a rabbit hole of anxiety or hopelessness, I have been giving my beloved toys more attention than usual. They are serving me so well, especially now. Rightfully so, of course. Oh, or do I need to remind you that solo sex boosts your immune system and your mental health? If so read my blog post “Solo Sex as Self-Care Practice".

Es gibt viele tolle nachhaltige Alternativen zu all den Wegwerf-Produkten, die dem eigenen Körper und der Natur nichts Gutes tun - für mich persönlich sind Menstruationsslips und Stoffbinden ganz oben.

As the end of the year approaches, you find articles and memes on how to be "a better version of yourself". You´ll find top 10 lists on how to stop procrastinating and implement those New Year´s Resolutions. And I want to tell you something: fuck that! I deeply think and moreso feel that a life based on authenticity, vulnerability and honesty is the way to go for your soul, heart, body and mind to thrive and grow. It´s the key to true connection (with self and others) and belonging.

When you are triggered or in need of Self-Care there are many options to come back to yourself, get grounded, feel your feelings, release tension, anxiety, stress and tension. On the top of my list: solo-sex.

The holiday season is a difficult time for many people where self-care and self-love can get lost in celebrations, the pressure to buy presents and fulfil family obligations. It might be also a challenging time for those who are alone, don´t do any celebrations or miss community around them. This sheet might offer stories and strategies, as well as inspirations and empowerment to love and care for ourselves in whatever way feels good for who we are.